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for emigrants

Cyprus property

Cyprus and the Brexit

Why property prices in Cyprus could soon fall

ARTICLE 08.12.2022. Cyprus The most southeastern island in the Mediterranean. Popular among holidaymakers, expatriates and investors. Almost two years after the Brexit, there are now new draft laws for the nearly 17,000 English on the island, which will affect the real estate market.

You can read about this in our current article.

Is Cyprus still worth it?

Cyprus and its prices. Its overpriced real estate, enormous electricity and water costs, and ever-increasing food costs -.

Is emigration to Cyprus really still worth it?

Cyprus was severely damaged after the financial crisis in 2013, or rather, it damaged itself, investors and citizens. A plan was needed to make the country, which is quite unknown to many foreigners, more attractive again. How was the turnaround achieved? In most European countries, tax levies were rising steadily, especially for entrepreneurs. It was therefore obvious that particularly favorable taxation for foreigners would bring more of them back into the country and thus more money into the coffers. And thus the tax haven Cyprus was born.

25 tips for emigrants

The adventure of emigrating holds a wealth of exciting opportunities and new horizons. Whether you're looking for new career opportunities, a lifestyle change, or simply want to explore the world, the decision to emigrate marks a significant step in your life ... 

The best mobile operators for expatriates

We show you which mobile phone providers are the best for expatriates and how you can keep your German phone number abroad. 

Avoid exit taxation

Avoid exit taxation

In this article we discuss the possibilities of avoiding the departure taxation that has been approaching for several years now. We will show you 7 ways to avoid paying the exit tax when you emigrate. 

Road Deparment auf Zypern sperrt Führerscheine
von Deutschen

Im Dezember 2023 führte das Road Deparment (Vekehrsamt) in Nicosia auf Zypern eine gegen EU-Richtlinien verstoßende Aktion durch - die Führerscheine von über 600 auf Zypern lebenden Deutschen wurden über Nacht im System gesperrt.

Betroffen sind nur diejenigen, die ihren deutschen Führerschein in einen zyprischen Führerschein (pinke Plastikkarte) in der Vergangenheit getauscht hatten. Diese Führerscheine sind seit Dezember ungültig und könnten bei einer Routineüberprüfung der Polizei eingezogen werden.

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Wohnmobil ohne Wohnsitz anmelden

In diesem Artikel beantworten wir die Frage, ob man ein Wohnmobil ohne Wohnsitz oder mit Wohnsitz im Ausland überhaupt anmelden und versichern kann

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